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The Yorba Gallery

Yorba Wines began its gallery program in 2022 as a way to utilize open space in a positive manner, cultivating appreciation of wine, food, art, and good company.  The gallery provides opportunities to local and regional artists as a way for them to be discovered by avid arts enthusiasts and wine country visitors.

The program has shown work with no bias toward specific ideas or media - representing painting, collage, sculpture, and ceramics among others.  The Yorba Gallery continues to expand its reach, pairing artists with collectors and encourages thoughtful acquisitions for private and corporate collections.


Katharine T. Jacobs

The doll has historically been used as a method to comfort, heal and bring joy. When my stepdaughter was young, she loved mermaids but there were very few mermaid dolls in stores. I created them for her, with personally requested hair and skin colors so that she could closely identify with her new friends, and then I embroidered her own drawings onto their tails to make them more personal and special. I loved the act of making these dolls; it brought me a joy that was lacking in my Fine Art practice as a photographer. 

Years later, life as I knew it dissolved. My father passed away, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, my marriage ended, and I was a new single mother to my daughter. I sought salvation with family in my home state and went from living with my stepdaughter to only being able to visit a few times a year. My life was completely torn apart by abuse, addiction and illness. I made art to heal as I learned how to live with my disability. 

I returned to the doll. Through research of the psychological correlation between trauma and illness as well as the historical practice of doll making intended to transfer pain and manifest healing in many cultures, I was inspired to create these vessels for my own healing process. As a mother I felt supported by feminist theory and concepts of “women’s work”, gender roles and Craft. These solidified my choice of the doll rather than a more formal sculptural approach. 

I was able to compartmentalize my experiences that had previously overwhelmed me into tidy, healing, mixed media vessels. I use humor and oddity to touch on these human experiences in hopes that the viewer can have a similar weight lifted via their connection to a doll. 


Katharine T. Jacobs is an interdisciplinary fine artist. She received her BFA in Photography from Oregon College of Art and Craft in 2010 and her MFA in Spatial Art from San Jose State University in 2022. She integrates sculpture, alternative process large format film photography, and textile construction in her multivalent work. In 2018 Jacobs was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis greatly impacting her life and work. Her experiences as a single mother living with a chronic, degenerative illness are portrayed in her narrative that embraces the collective consciousness of the human condition regarding trauma, illness, and medical intervention. 


Jacobs works with multiple mediums in her home studio in Pine Grove, CA and at Alpha Fired Arts in Sacramento. Her work has been featured in recent gallery exhibitions including Reclamation at Pamela Walsh Gallery in Palo Alto, CA, Cycles at the Walters Cultural Art Center, Hillsboro, OR, and will be featured in the upcoming group show, Creating Order at dnj Gallery in Santa Monica, CA opening in September.


“Playthings,” a vibrant display of sculptures and photography will grace the walls at the Yorba Tasting Room & Gallery starting July 5th.

Meet Katharine Jacobs at her artist reception on Saturday, July 20th from 5-7pm. A complimentary glass of wine and noshes will be served.

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